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Posted by: Kalia Tsuna Posted on: January 14th, 2007, 06:02:50

She had taken her time returning to this planet, taking the longer but saver route. Hell, she wasn't even sure why she had decided to give the pair a lift back, other than the money involved.

That, and the need to get away from Dayken and its inhabitants, mainly Sonia, her vampiric 'mother' and her lover, Joe. Whom Kalia still viewed as a devil of sorts, given that the only reason she had become a Vampire was because Joe had conned her into a contract which saw her spending the night at Sonia's and through an rather unfortunate set of events, most of which were horribly unfamiliar and unphanthomal to her, had become a vampire towards the end of a great sexual encounter.

It had both made her a vampire and left her doubting her sexuality, that doubt coming out even stronger when the following night, Sonia's lover, Joe, had joined the two and Kalia had enjoyed it.

Thus, she was now at the specified port waiting for them to get their act together. And yes, she had seen the wanted poster out for Dhana, had even bothered to remove one from the space port and had it now lying next to her covering several controls.

Posted by: Eseen Hawkins Posted on: January 14th, 2007, 06:34:58
Reply: 1

Footsteps echoed through the ship from the metal grating of the walkway as Eseen made her way to the cockpit where she was sure the pilot would be. If not, there would be no issues with her setting up beforehand without permission. While the fixer had no qualms with Kalia or smugglers in general, she knew neither of them had the level of sense of security she was used to. On top of that, with the revelations that had come to hand in the past few weeks she had been stuck in hospital, Eseen had been even more paranoid when it came to finding trustworthy people.

The door slid open and Eseen stood in the frame, a small bag of some sort slung over her shoulder. The clothes she wore, while still leather seemed to show off a bit more skin than usual which showed the bandages on her shoulder, chest and thigh from the not quite healed wounds which still required change of bandages every day or so. She looked Kalia up and down, slightly bewildered at the change in her as well. Even though she hadn't spent much time with the smuggler nor seen her in some time, she still had a sharp eye and could point out at least three things different from when they last saw each other at a glance.

"When did someone like you feel they needed to get breast implants?" Eseen pointed out rudely, stepping up to Kalia and poking her in one of her breasts to get the point across. "Didn't figure you were that desperate."

Posted by: Kalia Tsuna Posted on: January 14th, 2007, 06:39:14
Reply: 2

She had watched Eseen and Dhana come in on the cameras and as Eseen entered the cockpit, she turned to greet her taking note of the bandages. Instantly, she wondered if they were a result of the piece of paper next to her.

As Eseen spoke, she frowned. Upon being poked, she showed her fangs and hissed.

"I also got these done. You got desperate for attention yourself?"

She asked, pointing at the bandages.

"Did Dr. Dhana heal you?"

Posted by: Eseen Hawkins Posted on: January 14th, 2007, 07:04:41
Reply: 3

At the first sight of fangs, Eseen jumped back drawing her desert eagle and pointing it directly at Kalia's forehead. Her eyes were wide open and the joking face she had seconds before was replaced by one of surprise and absolute focus. She looked directly into Kalia's eyes baring her teeth while she showed off the fear from the unexpected vampire in front of her. The kind of fear where any wrong move would end up with her emptying her cartridge without hesitation while keeping her distance further than arms length. In fact, it was currently crossing her mind why she was hesitating now, it wouldn't be long before she decided hesitation time was over.

"What the FUCK!" Eseen yelled out frantically while keeping her aim completely steady. While it was obvious she was scared, it was also noted that she had been previously trained to not fall apart in the face of fear. "This is WAY to fucking convenient. Did your master send you here to kill me or Dhana?"

The fixer continued staring down Kalia eye to eye, the only part of her body showing something other than fear, malice. The last time she had met the smuggler she had known, obviously, she held no vampiric traits. What frustrated her though, was not this revelation, but the possibility that vampires might be in on this whole scheme as well. If that was the case, regardless of how it connected, it meant she now couldn't trust anyone.


Posted by: Kalia Tsuna Posted on: January 14th, 2007, 07:29:01
Reply: 4

At first, she figured that the gun was a reaction to her comment. That opinion left the moment the fixer started shouting. Kalia hadn't even considered biting the fixer or the girl, let alone realised that people might be scared of her now that she was a vampire.

She paled considerably as she became aware that Eseen was deadly serious though ended up with a look of complete confusion on her face when Eseen asked if her 'master' had sent her to kill one of her passengers.

"What master?"

She asked, sounding about as confused as she looked, though still frozen to the spot not wanting to tempt fate.

As Eseen started her shouting match, Kalia's eyes filled with tears. The last few days had been enough to cope with without having a fixer shout at her and wanting to kill her for something which hadn't entered her mind.

While she would have loved to wipe the tears away, she had been in situations involving a gun often enough to know that to do so was a bad idea. With no choice but to let them fall, she continued to cry and between sobs asked.

"why.. would.. I want.. to kill.. my cargo?"

In her eyes, to have any harm come to her cargo while in her care was bad, was very bad. She had worked long and hard for her reputation and knew a little thing like lost cargo would screw up her reputation forever.

Posted by: Dhana NeNiero (Guest) Posted on: January 14th, 2007, 08:16:28
Reply: 5

Dhana, who had come in just after Eseen, and knew the problem that the fixer and the smuggler had with each other, had taken her time getting to the cockpit to rescue whichever one of the two that needed rescuing.

She frowned as she heard Eseen shout and hurridly made her way over to stand in the doorway frowning.

"Eseen... "

She started out, then looked at Kalia noticing the tears.

She then pointed out the obvious.

"She's crying"

She looked back at Eseen and knew from the look on her face that she was scared and would pull the trigger even if Dhana tried to convince her that Kalia was harmless.

As she looked at Kalia an applogetic look entered her eyes, the only warning Kalia had of the bright light which crossed the room and flooded over her. It would not harm her as such, just temporarily knock her out.

"She's harmless now"

She pointed out to Eseen, hoping Eseen would now calm down and put the gun away.

Posted by: Eseen Hawkins Posted on: January 14th, 2007, 08:39:36
Reply: 6

Eseen stared at Kalia's unconcious body for a few moments to make sure she had been fully subdued before turning to Dhana. She lowered her weapon and hesitated for a few more moments while thoughts ran through her mind of what to say. All that happened when Dhana in the few weeks they had been on this planet had left Eseen with the knowledge that she had a select few of whom she could trust. Now with the surprise of Kalia, who she knew to be a trustworthy and reputable smuggler now being a vampire, which may or may not be coincidence, but convenient none the less. The fixer was now questioning whether or not she could trust anyone else, putting suspiscion on even her old friend, Randon.

"She's a fucking vampire!" She managed to blurt out, pointing frantically in Kalia's direction. She paused again while her mind jumbled up her words, not knowing where to start speaking, let alone a coherent sentence. Eventually, after a few frustrated facial expressions, she managed to put together something that made sense. "Jesus shit! They got to our smuggler, who are we going to trust now?"

This situation was new to Eseen, the dawning upon her that she could very possibly be completely alone on this one, any other attempt for help could result in betrayal. The last time she had felt like this was back in imprisonment. Not being able to rely on the other fixers as she had only been a rookie at that point and they were far more fucked up than she was at that point. Not only did this train of thought bring the memories back, but done so in such a way that she remembered them so vividly as if she was still there.

It suddenly occured to her that she was falling apart. If the whole hyperventilating while backing away into a corner while tears streamed down her face wasn't an indication, who knows what was. She ended up curled up in that corner, clutching her head mumbling something incoherently while trying to convince herself that it wasn't the same and she had to be the strong one here. However, it was obvious she was losing that particular battle.

Posted by: Dhana NeNiero (Guest) Posted on: January 14th, 2007, 21:34:05
Reply: 7

When Eseen lowered her gun Dhana went and checked on Kalia making sure Kalia wasn't dead. It occured to her then that she had no idea how to check that a vampire was alive or dead. Looking at Kalia though, she had the distinct feeling that she would be fine, sore, but at least, not suffering from a bullet wound.

"We don't know if they got to her"

She pointed out. Nor would they find out until Kalia woke up again, but Dhana had figured leaving Kalia alife would help give them the appropriate answers rather than wondering what had really happened and being responsible for the death of someone, who quite likely, was innocent.

It was then that she realised Eseen was falling appart and made her way back towards Eseen.

"We trust each other, you can trust your friend too, he's not going to do anything to harm you"

She assured Eseen. If he hadn't been a good friend to her, Dhana was sure that she would not have had an escort to the hospital.

A few steps away from Eseen, she stopped dead in her tracks. She had always seen Eseen as strong, yet here was Eseen curled up and looking terribly scared. She also had the strongest impression that if she got any closer, she'd sent Eseen into a state of panick where she'd do something stupid.

She looked back from smuggler to fixer uncertain of what to do. She had never knocked out someone the way she had done Kalia and she wasn't thrilled that she could do that, yet, knew that it was the only thing that had saved her life. The feeling that Eseen had reacted to that was still there though, the feeling that the action alone had re-awakened memories that should have stayed asleep.

After what seemed like an eternity she overcame her hesitation and made her way to where Eseen was curled up, putting an arm around her and drawing the young woman close to her.

"It's ok, I'm here, nothing's going to happen"

She assured Essen, hoping that Eseen would return to her normal self soon and without seeing Dhana as a threat.

Over the last few weeks that she had spent next to Eseen's bed at the hospital, she had had ample time to research her father's notes. in it, she found out that they needed her to fulfill the prophecy and that time was running out. The prophecy had specified an age of the next 'saviour' and she was only a year off that age.

Posted by: Eseen Hawkins Posted on: January 31st, 2007, 07:57:06
Reply: 8

At first, Eseen resisted only slightly. She then raised her head and looked in Dhana's direction, her mind going over possibilities of any action taken before hesitantly giving in. Slowly, she leaned over to the girl and gently lay on her lap, tears still streaming from her eyes which showed an unmistakable uncertainty about why she was clinging to this girl who obviously had no idea of what was running through her head or what experiences she had endured.

After a few moments, the fixer sat upright and poorly wiped the tears from her face, leaving streaks across her cheeks. The look of confusion she had while resting on Dhana's lap was still visible in her eyes. What crossed her mind was why she was finding comfort in this girl over someone else she should have trusted. The next thought blew it away in realisation that she herself was a fixer and shouldn't need to rely on anyone else for emotional support.

"How do I deal with this?" She found herself asking out aloud, something which surprised her. What surprised her even more was that she had directed the question personally at the girl in front of her. Her expression changed to one of which wouldn't give the slightest clue of what she was feeling, the only clue giving it away was the tear streaked face. The fixer stood up sternly and looked back over at Kalia's body for quite some time before speaking.

"I... Don't know what to do... They never taught me how to deal with this..." Eseen finally admitted. She was already facing slightly away from Dhana, but it was obvious from the tone of her voice accompanied by the drop of water splashing onto the deck from her face that this fixer needed support. She was well trained to deal with many things, emotional and physical, never one to cross in the wrong way due to her sense of professionalism. Her expertise in many areas were attributed to that of one highly experienced in this profession, however it was clear she was still a rookie.

Posted by: Dhana NeNiero Posted on: February 14th, 2007, 08:37:57
Reply: 9

She continued holding Eseen in her arms as if to ward of all evil that may come against Eseen at the same time as providing the comfort the young fixer needed.

A gentle smile appeared on her face as Eseen looked up at her showing confusion. She herself had no idea how to deal with the situation but knew instinctly that she needed to be strong for Eseen.

With the same strength that a mother finds in impossible situations and lends her children, she stroked Eseen's head, forgetting the age difference between the two (I'm not sure who's actually older) and forgetting the life experience that either one had.

"We deal with this together"

She calmly assured Eseen stroking her hair until such a time as she would calm down, once in a while looking over at Kalia to make sure the vampire didn't wake up and suprise them. 

Posted by: Eseen Hawkins Posted on: February 27th, 2007, 15:24:09
Reply: 10

Eseen almost jumped at the sudden contact from Dhana after she had stood up. It was hidden well, but not enough for the girl not to notice the fragile state she was in physically as a direct result of the emotions. Never before had she had this type of intimate contact from anyone, not that she could remember anyway. Especially not in such a time when she needed it the most. The fixer, over the years had built up a habit of shutting herself out from everything to focus on the job at hand. This time around, there was none.

When Dhana spoke, she turned her head to face her and take heed of the words. It was easy to tell when and how such words were taken as Eseen's eyes glistened with a new found strength of sorts. She herself was unsure where it was pulled from, but was never one to waste such an opportunity of clarity. A nod was all that was given to Dhana, acknowledging the advice before she turned back to face Kalia again.

A click rang out from the Desert Eagle she still held in her right hand. It was raised up to Kalia almost threateningly before another unexpected click, this time a different pitch. The clip from the weapon quickly slid out of the handle, hitting the ground with a racket and the gun was raised up to aim at the ceiling of the cockpit. She pushed something else on the gun and the chamber swung back, releasing the single loaded bullet from it before releasing her grip entirely to let it hit the ground with a dull, metallic thud, the sound of the round clinging over the smooth floor.

Eseen took a few steps back and leaned against the wall next to the exit door. She crossed her arms over her stomach and let her braided silver locks obscure her face in a subconscious attempt to protect herself from the world and keep up some sort of invisible barrier in order to feel safe. Being unsure of what she felt, who she was and what she should do, the only person she could truly trust at this point in time was the young and naive priestess. And if she couldn't be trusted, well, it wasn't an idea she was willing to entertain at this point in time.

Posted by: Dhana NeNiero Posted on: March 4th, 2007, 08:00:31
Reply: 11

She was glad that Eseen seemed to have stopped falling apart. She'd be ok, of that Dhana was certain now. 

The click made her wonder if she was right in believing Eseen would be ok but it didn't take long to notice what the click had indicated and a slight sigh of relieve passed her lips.

Posted by: Kalia Tsuna Posted on: March 4th, 2007, 08:24:08
Reply: 12

It didn't take too long before she opened her eyes, the frowned and shut them again, putting one hand on her head.


She complained loudly, not caring who was listening or if it was safe to make herself noticed.

She opened her eyes again, this time a bit slower than last time and frowned as she looked around her, getting her bearings through the headace before settling her gaze on Eseen, remembering that Eseen had been about to shoot her before the blindingly bright light knocked her out.

"If you still have a problem with me, you can get off my bloody ship"

She didn't sound happy as she spoke. THIS was the reason she didn't like passengers. Life cargo wasn't a problem as long as they were locked away, but having passengers meant having to deal with people and their problems and insecurities.

Posted by: Eseen Hawkins Posted on: March 4th, 2007, 09:10:03
Reply: 13

Eseen continued to stand there against the wall almost motionless, the only thing giving away she wasn't a statue was the light but erratic up and down motion of her chest while she breathed in and out. She trying to calm herself down, succeeding, but slowly. It could be see she was still on edge due to her unstable breathing and general jittery aura which made her look like she was about to snap at the slightest possible wrong action.

After Kalia had spoken, her breathing immediately stopped. She remained motionless for a few moments, almost blending into the wall by how still she kept herself. These moments passed, and her head slowly tilted upwards, the locks covered her face sliding off to her cheeks one by one. Once she had looked up fair enough, the last of her hair obscuring her features parted to reveal she was glaring menacingly at Kalia.

Her face was pale, streaked with almost fresh tears while her eyes and nose were red from crying. The Fixer made sure she had made eye contact, showing off her own eyes which while cold and grey, seemed burned with a passion. There was no indication what kind of passion this was, whether it was her unpredictable personality shining through, anger or murderous rage. Either way, neither of these three would be taken lightly by anyone with a bit of common sense.

There was a slam from the metal wall behind Eseen and to anyone watching, it seemed like she had spun around fast enough that the sound occured before she drove her fist into it. She let out a muffled growl which signified the pain that shot up her arm from the impact and quickly stormed out of the room once the door opened to an empty quarters of which she had occupied with some personal belongings before making her presence known to the pilot.

Upon entering the room, she reached down swiftly to the nearest bag, unzipping it and pulling out an unmarked glass bottle full of a strangely coloured substance. Planting herself on the ground quickly, she unscrewed the cap shoving the opening between her lips and tilting it upside down to have a nice large swig of whatever it was. Right now was not a time she wanted to deal with reality. Getting plastered would take her away from things for the time being, there was always later.

Posted by: Dhana NeNiero Posted on: March 9th, 2007, 00:30:23
Reply: 14

She cringed as she saw the pain she had put Kalia in unhappy with it but with the knowledge that it was better to have a headace than to be dead.

The colour drained visibly from her face as Eseen seemed to loose it again. Had she just hurt Kalia in order to keep her alive a little longer only to have Eseen try and kill her again? She wondered, but looked relieved when Eseen walked out of the room.

She then stood up, and looking very much not dangerous, took a few steps over to Kalia.

"I'm sorry for what happend"

She appologised.

"The poster next to you gave us some problems and its made Eseen paranoid"

She explained, knowing it was a bad explanation.

"We'd still like you to consider flying for us"

Posted by: Kalia Tsuna Posted on: March 9th, 2007, 17:27:15
Reply: 15

"Oh.. right.. "

She had meant to ask the two about the poster and see if she could up the fare they were wiling to pay because of it. Of course, the fixer had over-reacted as always.

"That reminds me, I'm doubling the fee because of that"

She smiled, her fangs showing as she did so. She didn't mean to let them show, she was just unaware of it and too young to know better.

"And do me a favour, keep the fixer away from me?"

She had no idea if Dhana could do that but figured it was worth a shot. She didn't have anything to loose, after all, it seemed like the two really needed to get of this rock, and the only one willing to get them off it was her. Something she was most certainly going to remind Eseen of next time she came across her.

Posted by: Dhana NeNiero Posted on: March 13th, 2007, 23:40:23
Reply: 16

She nodded in agreement, both to the increase in fee and to keeping Eseen away from Kalia.

"I'm not making any promises to keep her away if she was right"

She warned Kalia. She might be against violence, but during the last few weeks, she had started to understand the need for it a bit more and a threat was as good as the action.

With that, she followed Eseen, just to check on her welfare and to make sure she wasn't going to kill anyone anytime soon.

No sooner had she found Eseen that she noticed something.. different.. about her.

"Uh.. Eseen?"

She asked causiously, not wanting to upset or set her off again.

Posted by: Eseen Hawkins Posted on: April 9th, 2007, 12:54:30
Reply: 17

Eseen paused for a moment, placing the now half empty bottle down on the ground next to her carefully. She looked up at Dhana, a half smile on her face and a glazed look in her half closed eyes while the reek of alcohol slowly made its way to the girl. The hand moved back to pick up the bottle as she stood up slowly and awkwardly, then made her way to Dhana.

"'s tasty, you shoul' try sme..." The fixer slurred. She placed a hand on Dhana's shoulder and moved in closer to invade her personal space and put the bottle in her face. "S'ry din' save y' m'ch... Thouh' y' wn't gon' come..."

She lost her footing and tripped over somehow while standing still, falling partially to the side into the wall, partially backwards and partially forwards into Dhana. Eseen's free hand shot forward and grabbed the closest object in front of her in a desperate attempt to stay upright, eventually somewhat regaining her balance. This rather clumsy action was finished abruptly with a giggle which ended in a hiccup.

"Whpps... Hey I din' spill any..." More slurring erupted from her throat. She rose the bottle to her lips, taking a quick swig before pressing the neck of the rather potent alcohol of sorts against Dhana's lips and tilted it up for her to try some. Once again, she lost balance shortly after, managing to tilt the bottle back down enough for only a few drops to spill over the girl's shoulder while she fell practically on top of her.

"I remem' you... Y' 'll sof' an' smell ni'..."

Posted by: Dhana NeNiero Posted on: April 9th, 2007, 22:56:49
Reply: 18

She shook her head as Eseen put the bottle in her face.

"You think you might have had.. " She was going to let the fixer know she thought she had drunk too much already, but never got a chance as the woman continued slurring, and by the time she had lost her footing, Dhana could not do more than laugh at her.

The laughter was short lived as Eseen grabbed onto her. This close to her, she noticed how pretty Eseen was. The young fixer might have gone through hell but she held a innocent beauty which Dhana admired.

Rather than letting Eseen do whatever she wanted though, she pulled her closer to herself, hugging her, partly to help with the balance problem, partly because she wanted to be close to her.

"You're an amazing person"

She laughed as Eseen figured out that she hadn't spilled the last of the drink.

Posted by: Eseen Hawkins Posted on: April 10th, 2007, 00:14:56
Reply: 19

Eseen flinched slightly when she felt arms tuck around her back. A general feeling of alertness overcame her through the fuzzy drunk state she was currently in. Her eyes widened slightly at this unexpected reaction and suddenly she became very self concious. Unfortunately, she wasn't too sure which course of action to take due to her messed up mind and the effect from the alcohol.

"Wha' d'y meen?" The fixer continued slurring, wondering what she heard was right and whether it made any sense or not, regardless of the numerous interpretations that ran through her head. It very much became apparent to her that she didn't really know, couldn't really know and it didn't matter to her. Possibly the reason why she cared so much about it. "Umm.."

She then became as well as self-concious, insecure. The warmth and soft padding this girl seemed to provide, while nice, seemed uncomfortable in some way. Gently, she tried to push away, but to Dhana it would seem she was merely placing a bit more weight to maintain balance. In some respects, part of her didn't want to pull away, again, the same thing which made her uncomfortable.

"W'so funn'?"

Posted by: Dhana NeNiero Posted on: April 10th, 2007, 06:17:47
Reply: 20

She continued holding her, both giving stability and just for personal closeness to Eseen. It was a case of her needing the woman's comfort as much as she needed her stability.

The smile that formed on her face couldn't be helped as she realised how awkward Eseen was starting to feel. She hadn't meant for her to feel uncomfortable, though it did not stop her from admiring Eseen even more.

By the time Eseen asked what so funny was, she simply poked Eseen's nose gently.

"You are, when you're drunk"

Posted by: Eseen Hawkins Posted on: April 10th, 2007, 06:41:19
Reply: 21

Eseen was taken aback slightly when she was poked on the nose. Her eyes crossed in to focus on Dhana's finger before dizzyness overcame her which showed from her swaying slightly. There was a pause and a slight rumble as the engines seemed to power up while the ship left the ground and Eseen gripped onto the girl's waist and shoulder to keep herself from falling over while the floor shifted a bit. Kalia still hadn't fixed the inertial dampeners properly.

"No' mazin'. 'm jus'a fix'r..." Her face turned a shade of red at the compliment, still unsure what it meant, but it sounded good. At that point, Eseen realised she was staring right into Dhana's eyes, well, not really staring, but pointed in the general direction. Once it did register though, she remained there relatively motionless, gazing into her eyes. "Are you trying to take advantage of me?"

The fixer suddenly blurted this out in almost perfect English, the slurring only midly recognisable. It had suddenly run through her mind that this girl was acting far more affectionate than what the pair had over the course of her time in hospital. However, even knowing she wasn't exactly comfortable being this close to someone, let alone a woman, she didn't make any move to break the physical contact. Instead, her face flushed a slightly deeper shade of red and she smiled nervously without breaking eye contact.

Posted by: Dhana NeNiero Posted on: April 10th, 2007, 07:26:08
Reply: 22

"Stop selling yourself short"

She requested. Eseen was amazing, the way she could handle herself in a fight, which, although Dhana hated, was nothing short of amazing.

"If you were 'just' a fixer who wasn't amazing, you'd have been dead a long time ago"

She gently reminded her, before she blinked.

"Would you mind if I was?"

She enquired seriously doubting that Eseen would mind her doing that.

Posted by: Eseen Hawkins Posted on: April 10th, 2007, 07:51:49
Reply: 23

"Y's I woul'..." Eseen replied, well aware of being too much of a drunken stupor to make an accurate judgment call such as this. It then occurred to her that she never specified what she meant by 'advantage', being that this state usually implied a distinct disadvantage against everything. However, over the few weeks Dhana had spent at her bedside, she was also aware they had grown closer somewhat. "I 'unno..."

She looked down for a moment, a stupid and childish thought coming into mind over what she saw before she decided to look back up and re-establish eye contact wit the girl. At that point, a vivid memory resurfaced. Nothing disturbing or emotionally upsetting, but more recent. As she replayed the memory in her mind, it grew somewhat clearer and soon found her hand on Dhana's shoulder making its way up her neck and over her jaw to lightly trace her lips with her fingers.

"Ung.." A gurgle emerged from her throat when she realised what she was doing, quickly placing her hand back on Dhana's shoulder and rethinking that move entirely, letting her arm drop away from her. "I din' mean t'... I mean... I w's jus' remembing tha' I din' mean t' kishew b'foo..."

At this point, it was clear Eseen was losing her composure again, given away most obviously by the shade of red on her face growing even darker the more uncertain she became. Part of her was screaming out to do it again because it felt like the right thing to do, the other part was restraining her. This kind of thing traveled far beyond her comfort zone.

Posted by: Dhana NeNiero Posted on: April 10th, 2007, 08:29:57
Reply: 24

She nodded but did not relinquish the hold she had on Eseen, it just felt too good to hug the girl.

Her own cheeks started to colour up as Eseen traced her fingers over her face, and as Eseen stirred up feelings, the look in her eyes held more than frienship. As Eseen caught herself, Dhana's face held a look of dissapointment.

"But it felt nice.. "

She pointed out quietly as Eseen informed her that she hadn't meant to kiss her before. She knew Eseen didn't lean that way, yet, being told by her that she hadn't meant to, hurt.

She had been about to stop embracing Eseen as she picked up the uncertainty Eseen was feeling and decided to risk it. If Eseen hated her already, this wouldn't make much difference, if she didn't hate her already but would after this, at least, they could go their own ways and know for sure.

With that thought, she quickly leant forward to kiss Eseen, hoping to catch the girl offguard.

Posted by: Eseen Hawkins Posted on: April 10th, 2007, 15:20:39
Reply: 25

Eseen's eyes widened and her body froze up in reaction to the unexpected kiss. It was a few moments before she gave off a proper reaction, thoughts racing through her mind to evaluate the situation. She let up slightly and soon found herself enjoying it, her eyes slowly closing to savour the moment before coming to her senses. Letting out a muffled moan, she pulled back, breaking the kiss and pushing Dhana gently away. The girl was taking advantage of her and while her body as well as her mind didn't seem to protest, the very lack of protest was scaring her off.

"No... I can' do 'is... Jus' don' fee' tha'way..." The Fixer apologised, lying out loud to try and convince herself of the same thing. Her mind immediately screamed at this reaction, protesting entirely against such a protest just because it was stepping out of what she was used to. On the outside, a look of absolute uncertainty overtook her face for some time before one side finally won out. "I fee' thi'way..."

She had decided that throwing something like this away could possibly be one of the worst mistakes she'd make and reached out an arm to grab Dhana by the shoulder. If she had moved away, Eseen solved that issue by pulling her roughly towards herself, slipping one arm around her waist and letting her hand slide up her neck to her jaw.

Dhana would very quickly feel the clothes she was wearing warm up as Eseen let her ability go to work, speeding up the kinetic energy in them just enough to provide some heating. Her thumb brushed across Dhana's lips and she pulled down ever so gently on her jaw to part them before leaning down. The Fixer sunk herself into the girl, locking lips and returning the kiss passionatelywhile embracing her tightly.

Her hand slid back from her jaw to the back of Dhana's head, running her fingers through her hair. Gradually, she increased the passion of the kiss letting her tongue slowly, but surely slip between her lips into her mouth, giving Dhana the chance to taste the flavour of the alcohol she had consumed. The fixer was letting go, giving herself to this girl as if nothing in the world mattered right now. She wasn't sure if it was the alcohol, her previous unstable state or the combination of both that got her this far, but she couldn't deny to herself that she had wanted this all along.

Posted by: Dhana NeNiero Posted on: April 12th, 2007, 01:15:27
Reply: 26

Emotions of happiness and relieve flowed through her as Eseen returned the kiss. It was good to not be shot down for making the wrong move by someone who was a dear friend to her.

As Eseen pulled away, she realised how wrong it had been to just kiss her without explicit permission, esepcially given the state Eseen was in.

"I'm sorry Eseen, I didn't mean to hurt you.. "

She assured her friend, hoping Eseen was still her friend. Thus, when Eseen changed her mind, she was completly taken by suprise, so much so, that she let Eseen do what she wanted to do.

The passionate kiss Eseen had started this time was returned with equal passion as her own hands started to explore, first Eseen's back, then under her shirt and finally, one hand moved itself around the front of her, travelling up her top to gently carress Eseen's breats.

Had Eseen not been drunk, she'd quickly realise that Dhana had some experience in what she was doing, which, given the innocent view on life she held, would seem wrong. (seems wrong to me)

Posted by: Eseen Hawkins Posted on: April 12th, 2007, 08:26:16
Reply: 27

Eseen once again melted into the kiss, savoring the taste from Dhana's lips. While her tongue explored its way around this girls, she was made vaguely aware of the hands exploring her back. Having no experience in anything like this before, she wasn't entirely aware of what the feeling was until a hand was making its way slowly towards her breast. Only now it occurred to her that it was in fact a hand, her body's senses dulled yet heightened by the alcohol and having no previous sexual experience, even by her own doing, it was safe to assume she was already highly aroused.

The kiss was broken suddenly as waves of pleasure slowly ran over her thanks to the specific caressing of her breasts by Dhana, she needed to draw in a quick and deep gasp. Just the motion of her hand against her chest left Eseen writhing beneath the girl's expert touch. It was at that point, she slid her hand up slowly, placing it over her wrist and tightening the grip to pull away while she attempted to come to her senses.

"No, stop... this is wrong..." She protested, managing to pry the hand away, fighting her own bodily instincts to let the girl take control. Admitting to her that she enjoyed her company in more ways than just friendship was a massive leap outside her comfort zone. Yet right now, while making out with her was already taking things too far, she had a hand up her shirt, managing to make her feel in such a way that she had never felt, ever.

Once she was free from Dhana's grasp, she stepped back, losing her balance entirely and falling onto the floor backwards. On impact, she decided that her best bet was to lay down. While the world would spin more, at least this way she wouldn't hurt herself even further. As for Dhana, well, she was laying down right now and the spinning accelerated, thoughts of what she just interrupted already fading to be taken place of the random ones about her state of dizziness.

Posted by: Dhana NeNiero Posted on: April 13th, 2007, 01:58:19
Reply: 28

She continued playing with Eseen, enjoying her reaction. It had been far too long since she had been with another and it showed as her body responded to Eseen's. Thus, it took the fixer a little longer to pry Dhana away from her body.

Confused, she watched Eseen, certain that the young fixer had felt what she had, had felt the lust between them build up, and yet, Eseen had broken it off.

"It's not wrong"

She assured her. This feeling, it was right, it felt right, it simply had to be right. At the same time though, she was a woman and understood that Eseen was new to this, maybe, if she had been a guy.. She stopped thinking about what could have been. If it took time for Eseen to figure out that there was nothing wrong with two women making out, then she would give her the time, after all, the attachment that had formed between herself and the fixer was far more prescious than a few moments spent together.

Once Eseen had settled down on the ground, she decided that whilst Eseen had asked for space, that space did not include a friend simply sitting next to you and being close, ensuring that you did not feel alone, thus, she sat down next to Eseen, watching over her whilst she enjoyed her drunkeness.

Posted by: Eseen Hawkins Posted on: April 13th, 2007, 16:33:34
Reply: 29

Eseen lay there for some time afterwards, the effects of the alcohol slowly wearing off her as time sobered her up. Eventually, while playing various thoughts through her head, she began analyzing what had occurred between them. It was uncomfortable, to say the least, never being with anyone even remotely close to that before. However, she couldn't truthfully say she didn't enjoy the sensation, physical aside. Like taking a step out of the shade and feeling the sun's warmth for the first time, yet being afraid of it doing something bad.

"Dhana... I know, it's just..." The fixer spoke up eventually, pausing half way through to try and put words together and form something coherent. It was made increasingly difficult by the naturally reserved nature she had. The closest person to her was her mentor and even then, the closest she would let him would be to state what she felt like for dinner. "I don't know, I was... scared... that I was enjoying it..."

She grew silent after admitting it, unsure what the reaction would be to the admission and even more unsure of the one, now knowing what she had revealed. At that point, she rolled over to face the girl, trying to assess her state at least maybe for her own comfort. She then decided to go that one step further, throwing caution to the wind, already coming this far. Her free arm raised slightly and reached over to place her hand in Dhana's lap.

On doing this, she broke her gaze away from her, focusing on the floor. While she had already given in to displaying these emotions to Dhana, it still didn't stop her from embarrassment. Another look up to make eye contact, confirmed her uncertainty. Her face only showed a slight shade of red, but her eyes gave off the impression that she needed support. Even more so for comfort when she opened up that little bit more, afraid she might step on something sharp like walking outside barefoot for the first time.

"I want you to keep going..." Eseen's face visibly grew deeply red after she spoke. Now she was just plain embarrassed.

Posted by: Dhana NeNiero Posted on: July 19th, 2007, 20:25:02
Reply: 30

"You're new to it, its ok"

She assured Eseen, realizing why Essen seemed uncomfortable with it. She'd give the fixer as much time as she'd need.

She looked surprised as Eseen asked her to keep going, but rather than giving Eseen a chance to change her mind again, or notice the girl's strong embarrassment, lent over to embrace her and, taking it a bit slower this time, started to kiss her, hoping to remove Eseen's inhibitions even further. They'd deal with her inhibitions when she sobered up again, together, for now, just living for the moment seemed appropriate.

Posted by: Eseen Hawkins Posted on: July 19th, 2007, 21:24:24
Reply: 31

Eseen pulled back slightly, giving off the impression that she denied Dhana's advance initially. Slowly, she propped herself upright and then leaned back in again, welcoming the kiss. As the time dragged on before, she had felt the effect of the alcohol wear off gradually and found herself now in a state of mind where the world still spun, but not as much. Her train of thought seemed a lot clearer than before as well. Something she found would come to use in order to assess her situation with a level head.

While it felt somewhat awkward being this close to anyone, being this close to another woman of all things, there was a sense of comfort there amongst the mixed emotions. She raised a hand up to the girl's face and ran it ever so gently across her cheek, increasing the passion of the kiss that little bit more to show she was comfortable with things at the moment. While before she was afraid of what was happening, it now seemed only a side effect of the alcohol. Her senses were overwhelmed and she had to back off. This time though, she was sure this was what she wanted.

Eventually she broke the kiss, pulling her lips away from Dhana's while she rested her forehead against the young woman's own. Opening her eyes slowly, she focused eye contact and the slightest of smiles formed at the corner of her lips. Eseen couldn't deny this was what she wanted, for some time now the pair had grown closer together. The result so far seemed unexpected, but inevitable. She didn't know what Dhana's excuse was, but she herself had slowly grown more and more attracted to the happy-go-lucky attitude the girl possessed, something that brightened her day each time she stepped into the room.

Tracing a finger across the girl's lips, Eseen's smile widened that little bit more before she let her eyelids slowly close and leaned forward to steal another kiss. She would have spoken something before, but seemed to be at a loss for words. Instead, she let her actions speak louder, parting her lips to let her tongue slide gently out. While she knew Dhana was giving her time to let go, it meant she had to make the first move on things. Unsure of what she was supposed to do, she opted for continuing the kiss, enjoying the taste of the girl for the mean time.

Posted by: Dhana NeNiero Posted on: July 19th, 2007, 23:08:03
Reply: 32

She just couldn't wipe the smile off her face when Eseen broke the kiss. It wasn't that she had longed for Eseen's touch before, this had simply been a good idea and she had to admit, the girl who now looked longingly into her eyes was attractive and defiantly more than just a friend.

Dhana was just happy that Eseen was letting go of her inhibitions, it gave Dhana a chance to make Eseen feel good about herself, a small way of thanking her for everything that she had done for Dhana previously.

The smile eventually got lost as Eseen kissed her again and she returned the kiss, letting her hand run up Eseen's back, then trail across her neck and slowly move downwards again, almost innocently, though not without brushing over Eseen's breast in such a way that it would stimulate her ever so slightly.

Posted by: Eseen Hawkins Posted on: July 19th, 2007, 23:53:29
Reply: 33

As Dhana let her fingertips wander, she felt herself loosen up physically. The trail up her spine seemed to spread out like warm water running over it as the hand continued on. Eseen shuddered when her hands reached the peak of her neck. The light tracing seemed to have built up a release for her shoulder muscles which had been held tense for a long time. As her hand continued down, she tried to ignore it, remembering being overwhelmed not too long ago and letting the girl continue on with whatever she was doing. In the mean time, she let her hand trail off Dhana's cheek, running her nails gently down her neck and to her back.

Without warning, Eseen broke the kiss, pulling back and inhaling sharply. Her eyes opened wide in surprise and she looked back at Dhana, an expression of confusion in her eyes. She looked down momentarily at her own chest and tried to contemplate what just happened. All she could recall of what occurred was feeling the girl's hand run down her breast before a jolt seemed to shoot through her body. Without the mass amount of alcohol in her blood to dull her senses, she was about to become very aware of how sensitive to such a touch she was.

"What was that, what did you do?" She blurted out, the uncertainty clear in her voice and face as she spoke. Sitting up fully again and propping herself against a wall, she placed the hand formerly on Dhana's shoulder against her own breast. She looked back up to Dhana's face and reached a hand out slowly to place on hers. The look of uncertainty in her face intensified and combined with one of questioning, unsure if she might be doing something wrong.

"It felt... Nice..." The fixer admitted, unsure of what else to say or whether she should have said what she did.

Posted by: Joe Skase Posted on: July 20th, 2007, 17:41:49
Reply: 34

Eseen would see a sparkle of amusement in Dhana's eyes at her reaction and confused question.

"You're aroused, it makes your nipples really sensitive to even the slightest bit of pressure"

She explained, amusement filtering into her voice. Not the malicious type you'd use to laugh at someone, but simply enjoying being in Eseen's presence and realizing that this fixer who could so easily shoot someone had no idea of what her own body found pleasurable.

"It was supposed to feel nice"

Dhana admitted  just before she lent in to kiss Eseen again and thus distract her for a bit before moving her hand, this time, knowingly, over Eseen's breast to elicit the same sensation as before.

Posted by: Eseen Hawkins Posted on: July 20th, 2007, 18:31:21
Reply: 35

The fixer's face went a deep shade of red once again in response to the words Dhana spoke. The girl seemed so sure of herself and completely unashamed in almost an innocent way. Something like that seemed completely unexpected and as always, caught her off guard. All Eseen knew in regards to this area of herself was that she was capable, she'd never come across something as detailed as this. Her entire life was spent running jobs and while experienced in her line, this girl barely out of her teens was taking the higher ground on her.

When she spoke again, Eseen let off a sheepish smile in an attempt to cover up her uncertainty. This was still new ground to her and she was trying to tread lightly, testing her boundaries before crossing them. Even through her embarrassment, the smile shone through as a sign that she was at least willing. It wasn't too long ago she was trying to claw her way out of a futile situation, yet she knew the girl in front of her had given her hand. While she didn't seem to trust anyone, especially herself right now, Dhana was the exception. The confidence she exhibited was enough for her to be sure what she was doing was okay.

"I know, I think... It's just it was-" Eseen began, her words cut off by Dhana's lips. She didn't protest though, having so far gotten to grips that she was comfortable with making out. The only issue she had was with going further. Fortunately, her guide was caring enough to give her that space while at the same time pushing her the tad bit further than she realised she could go, something she was used to by now.

Once again, the jolt ran through her body as Dhana began working on her. This time though, she was at least prepared somewhat for it. It didn't stop her from breaking the kiss and pull back to inhale sharply. Instead of pulling right back, she leaned in to continue making out with the girl. The jolts of pleasure seemed to dissipate from a jolt to more of a gentle wave. Eseen's breathing quickened and she slowly felt herself getting lost in the sensation.

"-So unexpected..." She managed to whimper out after breaking the kiss again. Her eyes slowly opened to gaze at Dhana, pausing for a moment to gently move her hand away from her breast. They showed a mixture of emotions, confusion, lust and of course uncertainty while her face was a deep shade of red. Not from embarrassment this time, but from sheer arousal. After some time just staring at her, she looked away as if she'd made a solid decision.

Reaching up to her own top, she began unstrapping the various ties that held it in place. She looked back up to Dhana as she finished up, the red tinge on her face now indistinguishable to what exactly she was feeling given away only moments later by the hesitation while she slid the top off. It revealed not only her bare chest to the girl, but the various scars she'd obtained over the years in her line of work from the numerous stab and gunshot wounds endured. Nothing disfiguring enough to really detract from her natural beauty, but still easily visible enough not to notice.

She held still for a few moments, letting Dhana take in her half naked form before she leaned forward again to run a hand down her cheek. Her other hand reached for her waist while she stole another kiss then let it slowly run under her top. Eseen, inexperienced in this area couldn't take the lead just yet without knowing where she was going but she wasn't a slow learner either. As she let her tongue intertwine with Dhana's, her hand worked its way to her tutor's breast, gently showing her what made her a fixer.

Posted by: Dhana NeNiero Posted on: July 27th, 2007, 21:52:00
Reply: 36

She smiled happily as she watched Eseen get undressed. It was good that the fixer wasn't as scared of her feelings as she had appeared at first.

The smile fell as she saw the scars. They told of the hard life Eseen was leading and for a moment, all Dhana wanted to do was erase the scars and the memories of them from Eseen. The moment passed as Eseen not only kissed her, but made her body shudder slightly with want.

"You' .. a .. fast.. learner.. "

She moaned as want took hold of her body. Two people could play that game though, and as much as she enjoyed the feeling and wanted to feel Eseen's body completely next to her, she also enjoyed watching Eseen's reaction.

She pulled away from Eseen for a moment to strip the shirt off herself and gracefully took off her pants, leaving her only in lacy undies before kneeling infront of Eseen again, crawling forward the last step until her upper body was almost lying ontop of Eseens.

An impish look crossed her face as she, instead of kissing Eseen's mouth, kissed her neck.

Posted by: Eseen Hawkins Posted on: July 27th, 2007, 22:34:51
Reply: 37

Eseen felt the slightest bit of discomfort when Dhana reacted to her touch. It was quickly washed away when she spoke words of ecstasy, the brief period of doubt beforehand had entered her mind of whether she was injuring the girl or not. Having her this close to her almost naked body was something she didn't expect to enjoy quite as much, yet the feeling that they could be closer was still very much present.

She held frozen while Dhana stripped, still not quite as corrupted as she should have been to accept going any further with this. While her face remained bright red, she still made no attempt to stop the girl continuing on. Her gaze was fixated on her body and her own urges began to creep in, yet they were still foreign. The girl was nothing short of beautiful, her figure seemed to curve in all the right ways and her fair skin showed no visible imperfections. For the first time, she'd looked upon a naked body and found herself attracted to it.

As Dhana crawled over to her, she let herself submit somewhat. Gently lowering herself to the floor, she let her hands run up her sides and take a light grip of her waist. A slight smile crossed her face when she let off the impish expression. She shut her eyes slowly and opened her mouth to accept the kiss. They fluttered back open again as she felt the lips on her neck and induced a new sensation in her, shivering at the feel of it.

A momentary thought entered her mind, but realised that what Dhana was doing wasn't because she could be a vampire. The indications had presented themselves quite a few times beforehand of how impossible that was as well as the most important one being that she was kissing her, not biting her. Eseen let out a gasp when the sensation gripped her again, sending pleasant chills down her spine. Her grip on Dhana's waist tightened as she pulled her close and let her eyes shut again, accepting the feeling she was giving her while her insecurities began being quickly washed away.

Posted by: Dhana NeNiero Posted on: July 29th, 2007, 11:11:55
Reply: 38

As Eseen's insecurities washed away, her want for the girl increased. It didn't take long before the neck no longer had an interest for her, much prefering to explore the rest of Eseen's body, laying kisses and small licks as she made her way down, between the breasts to Eseen's naval before working her way up until she gently suckled on Eseen's breast.

*gets stuck*

Sometime later, she lay there cuddling Eseen, half asleep and content For someone who didn't appear like she had ever been with a girl before, she had made Dhana feel great. Somewhere in that content feeling, she knew exactly how special Eseen was.

"You're special, you know that?"

She mumbled contently.

Posted by: Eseen Hawkins Posted on: July 30th, 2007, 02:15:22
Reply: 39

Eseen attempted to run her hands up Dhana's back, stopping half way as she froze up. Tilting her head to the side, she gave the girl greater access to her neck. The fixer had given up completely and just let herself go. The pleasure induced on her was building up and denying it seemed not only futile, but stupid. Something that felt this good could not be anything to fear, regardless of how new it was. Not only that, but whatever it was, it was building up and something inside looked forward to it.

Her breathing quickened in pace and became deeper when Dhana began exploring the rest of her body with her lips. With each kiss sent a shiver of pleasure through her, she let out a hushed whimper. As the moments passed, each sensation grew more intense until finally she felt her body seem to explode wildly. The pleasure she felt surging through her body was only mildly interrupted by what she believed to be Dhana experiencing the same.

She eventually found herself barely conscious with her head on the girl's chest and an arm draped over her waist. Her face, like Dhana's held the same content smile on it while she lay there, her irregular breathing slowly evening out. She found herself at a loss for words when the girl underneath her spoke. Not one to really take such compliments to her head as well as not wanting to really speak or even move at this moment, she remained silent.

Instead she just continued to remain cuddled up to this girl, reveling in the shared body warmth, her own well toned and naked body gave off a sort of glow. She shifted slightly, pulling closer to Dhana and let her eyes slowly close.

Posted by: Kalia Tsuna Posted on: July 30th, 2007, 08:23:31
Reply: 40

Meanwhile, in a more sane part of the ship..

She'd put the ship into autopilot in order to get some sleep whilst things were quiet, knowing that things didn't always stay quiet and sleep was important.

Before heading to her cabin though, she decided to stop off and check on her passengers. Why the hell she had decided to take on passengers for the trip was still beyond her. Sure, they payed well, but damn, that fixer was annoying!

As she opened the outer doors of where the girls were sleeping, she couldn't help but stand in the doorway smiling at the scene in front of her.

"What was that you were saying, Fixer? Something about this sorta thing not happening?"

She asked, unable to keep her mouth shut.

Posted by: Eseen Hawkins Posted on: July 30th, 2007, 08:50:13
Reply: 41

From far away, the sound of the door sliding open caught her ears and her eyes fluttered open. She was caught between her curiosity of discovering what she had just heard and the feeling of wanting to remain close to Dhana. The lethargic feeling would have won out if it wasn't for the voice that rang unexpectedly in her ears. She slowly sat up, raising her head to determine the origin of the voice as well as confirm whether or not it was who she thought it was.

On spotting Kalia, her eyes widened and the sluggishness she felt moments ago was stripped away in an instant. Her face went bright red and she quickly got off the girl to make a mad dash for her clothing. Grabbing what she could, a poor attempt was made to cover herself up from the smuggler, the thought of reason that she'd already seen her entirely never entered her mind. Once she was satisfied she was covered up at least decently, she shot a glare at the woman.

"It wasn't, I mean, it didn't, and it's not what it looks like... Dhana was just showing me uhh..." On the realisation that her quick thinking or any explanation wasn't going to get her out of this one, she frowned in frustration. The smuggler had caught them out and she couldn't deny it. There was only one solution to this problem. "Hey, where's your sense of privacy anyway? For all you know I could have been changing or going to the toilet or... Meditating... or something..."

At that point, she gave up. The fixer had nothing to go on and she knew it was hopeless to try. All was lost and she was completely doomed. As her final death cry, Eseen let out all she had left. She began sulking.

Posted by: Dhana NeNiero Posted on: August 2nd, 2007, 08:22:53
Reply: 42

Dhana looked up at Kalia with a lazy, content look. She had no problems with them being found out, or with what had happened between the two girls. Watching Eseen made her smile as once again, she saw the innocence in her, an innocence which she was currently taking away from her. The thought wasn't bad, she'd rather do it herself than let some guy, or god forbid, another woman near Eseen.

Looking back up at Kalia, she couldn't help but turn the kind, loving smile she had for watching Eseen into an amused one.

"Hey Kalia? She got some, did you?"

Posted by: Kalia Tsuna Posted on: August 2nd, 2007, 08:29:46
Reply: 43

She raised an eyebrow at the fixer. She'd hoped for a reaction, though the reaction she got had her laughing.

"Right.. yeah.. I can see how she was 'just showing you.. ' "

The amusement in her voice was clearly heard.

"Some of us have more important things to do.. like fly a ship..."

She retorted to Dhana, in a sulking voice. Sonia was.. well.. a one night stand..  and the vampire who made her.. just because she missed the woman didn't mean the woman missed her. She made that quite clear just before they ended up in a threesome with the 'devil' himself.

Posted by: Eseen Hawkins Posted on: August 5th, 2007, 10:50:33
Reply: 44

Eseen continued sulking for a few moments at Kalia's comment which put her into that state. She had no real reason to react so defensively against the woman, yet her very personality justified it. The smuggler had always had a thing for relentlessly picking on her in that respect, regardless of her intentions with Dhana. Sure, initially she had no real interest in the girl, but they just had sex and she'd be lying if she denied enjoying every bit of it.

Her gaze drifted over to the girl, brief thoughts and emotions coming to mind as she stared at her. She held no shame and seemed to have an air of pride about her. Something she couldn't help herself admiring. The reaction she had to Kalia put her back in a state of uncertainty. She couldn't tell what this girl's agenda was now, whether it was to get her in bed to release some sexual tension or it was something more. She had already figured out Dhana preferred the company of women exclusively in that regard, whether or not she was just another lay was unclear to her more than ever.

She reached forward, grabbing what other clothing she had missed and attempted to quickly put them back on while revealing as little of her figure to the girls as possible. Something which was entirely futile. Once she was appropriately covered up for her liking, she stood up and strode out the door past the pair quickly, avoiding eye contact with both of them. Against all her instincts, she had found herself completely fallen for Dhana and with the habit of bottling herself up, she was unsure if that was a wise thing.

The Fixer knew she couldn't just leave the girl to fend for herself, already having pledged a vow to protect her. Unfortunately something like that made things a lot more complicated. She didn't want to fall for someone who might have used her for a one night stand, in fact, she didn't want to fall for someone at all. Let alone another woman seven years younger than her. She wasn't even sure she was really interested in women. Yet at this moment, it seemed like it couldn't be helped. Thoughts of the events during the previous night flooded in and as she made her way aimlessly through the corridors of the ship, she found herself wanting a repeat.

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