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Posted by: vmaverik (Guest) Posted on: February 17th, 2004, 18:29:33

Name: Lost in the records, only known as Shadow
Age: Unknown, presumably in mid 20'ies
Sex: Male
Race: Half Hispanic, Half El Salvadorean.
Eyes: Brown (assumed)
Hair:  Black (again assumed)
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: unknown, assumed to be 215
Overall Apperance: (As seen in the few government agenciy photos) A brown skinned male with short spiky hair. In the picture he has a thin goatee which is neatly trimmed. The designer shades he is wearing hide the real color of his eyes. In this particular image he is wearing a designer suit that fits perfectly and is obviously custom made, it is snug enough to reveal that he is in good shape but not much more. Other pictures having him looking drastically different, it is assumed that this is the closest thing to his natural appearance that can be found.
Personality: Emotionally detached from his victims, yet is merciful in their death. He often risks himself to a certain degree in the effort to provide them with a chance to come to term with their deaths and make peace with their creators. He leads a quiet peaceful life and has mutliple identities, unlike most assasins he is not emotionally void or damaged from his job. He is a fully functioning member of society but for the most part works hard to keep his lives seperate from each other. He only takes on certain jobs and feels a sense of honesty and respect.

History: One of the most hard to find men in the known world. His selectiveness of assignments protects him from the overexposure most hitmen and others suffer from as they try to make names for themselves. He has certain rules/requirements that must be filled for him to even entertain the idea of accepting a job. His training is assumed to have been done by a government or other covert agency, unfortunately all files regarding his identity have disappeared. He has a decent number of hits under his belt, most being significant figures of the underworld. Because of the nature of his jobs, he is only known by two groups of people, the government and the underground society.

Usless Info: In spite of his desire to be unknown and a ghost, he prefers to assasinate his targets in an up close and personal manner. His weapons of choice being a silenced handgun and throwing knives. He has been known to use long range weapons and other more conventional weapons.  His strengths are in stealth, disguise, and electronics. He is a medium skilled hacker, but uselessly hires out when he requires a hacker along with other needs. He is considered good looking, not model or superstar quality, but far from ugly. Despite the fact that most women find him at least somewhat attracting he somehow manages to be unrememorable.

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